create your first website


Create your own website

no programing or coding involved

no previous experience needed


If you can dream it, you can make it happen. Whatever you like your website to look like, you can do it.


Make a plan to create your own design before you start creating your website, so you can save some time.


When you are happy with your design, you can start creating your website following my step by step course.

Course Creator

Ihsan Murad

Ihsan is the founder and creative director of Awesome Online Courses. Course creator, instructor, website and graphic designer based in Leeds, UK.

Ihsan specializes in creating Online courses and WordPress website design to help creators and entrepreneurs grow their businesses by creating courses and a professional online presence.

”Having worked in the service industry, I have over 20 years of management experience in customer care and my goal is to utilise my knowledge and experience to offer every customer my best with professional step by step training. I am proud of the services I offer and always strive to work with transparency, integrity, honesty and loyalty – Ihsan.”

Hello - I'm Ihsan
Ihsan Murad - Founder

Create Your Own First Website

Imagine — Design — Create

Fast Website Creation

easy to follow course

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